14 November 2009
fits and starts
09 November 2009
08 November 2009
03 November 2009
Mike Glier
Sean McNulty; fractals

This guy does some really interesting work.
These abstract lanscapes that McNulty paints look like aerial images to me, and that's probably what they are inspired by if I had to guess. Sure, I certainly find aerial images to be interesting as well, but really only in their relation to microscopic rock textures. A lot of it has to do with the fact that it reminds me of fractals - no matter how far or close you are zoomed in or out, the image is seems to be repeated. It looks so similar that it seems uncanny. Last year, Vincent and I watched this video from the library about fractals and it nearly blew my mind. Goddamn, I love science. Learning about the repetition in coastlines really tied some things together inside my brain. I mean, of course I find everything to be significant haha.
This is a simplified explanation of what I've mentioned poorly: