In brief, sort of, not really--
Though, perhaps the imagery I was creating would have worked best with acrylic paint like this i.e. like Beatriz Milhazes, or if I were doing relief printing, perhaps? Perhaps. My dad mentioned that he wouldn't mind taking the numerous designs I made in order to make custom jigsaw pieces to lay down as centerpieces for decks. Very interesting. I haven't started any collages yet, but I have cut out a lot of paper in case I want to start doing that soon. Actually, I really will have to start doing that soon because I have to for class, haha.
In printmaking I'm working on etchings. The imagery for them is inspired by the microscopic world as well, but human derived rather than Earth derived. The process of etching has been very enjoyable for me, so printmaking this semester has become dedicated to that. I've been open biting, aquatinting, and using various kinds of crayons as resists to the acid to get different textures. I've also been doing a lot of burnishinggggggugh. I seriously need to read more about etching processes, because I want to experiment more. It's taken me too long to get back into the swing of things.
That's about all. I'm thinking about applying here (KSU) for graduate school. I like the faculty's work there.