20 October 2009

I wish I were prolific like this guy:

I think I like this dude's style because it reminds me of how I draw humans when they come from my imagination. Perhaps this guy and I physically look similar to one another. Well, I just think he's a badass, that's all. Check it.


  1. Hello Rebecca!
    Firstly like to thank you that you show my work to your audience! The series to which you refer is titled Human adaptation.
    In these figures we can find expressions of bodies. Bodies that are (re) configure it through changes attempt to outline a language, a theme, an attitude, a content, form, meaning, among other things.Looking in detail this set of work, we can clearly identify some similarities with ordinary and usual situations of our day to day. I think there will be no one who could not identify with at least one of the images. They will be a total of 1000 images, I am now at 400. In almost all of them can see some traces of my face because I wanted to give them something you would notice my presence.

    Thanks and regards,

    Rui Sousa

  2. Dude, no problem! Your work is great, it needs to be seen and shared. Thanks for posting this comment.
